Industries participating in the race towards aerial autonomy

Francisco Villarreal-Valderrama
6 min readNov 3, 2021

Along the past few years, both aviation and transportation industries have being sharing a common worldwide objective, i. e. the reduction of the carbon dioxide emissions for a more environment-friendly operation.

For instance, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) proposed an annual improvement of 2% of the fuel efficiency to reduce the greenhouse emissions produced by aircraft operation.


Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) aimed for package delivery are a disruptive technology that shows high potential to satisfy the e-commerce demand because of its lower energy consumption and fewer greenhouse emissions when compared to traditional manned aerial and terrestrial vehicles.

A fundamental key to achieve sustainable UAV operations is to develop suitable long-endurance high-efficiency propulsion systems. Some of the industries that have been placing extensive efforts towards autonomous aerial vehicles are:


Aero Engine Craft is developing contrail-free aero-engines for the reduction of global warming and to induce artificial rain during aircraft flight through on-board water recovery from fuel emissions; creating a vision of the future for the aviation industry whereby it can not only reduce aviation induced global…



Francisco Villarreal-Valderrama

Towards reliable and efficient aircraft propulsion and power generation